It all started with our camping trip. Which, I'm happy to report, I did survive. We actually had fun, although sleeping was a bear on our thin air mattresses. It went a little something like this:
Find a comfortable position on right side with pillow under belly for support.
Sleep 30 minutes.
Wake up feeling numb-tingly on right side.
Switch pillow and belly to left side.
Sleep 30 minutes.
Wake up feeling numb-tingly on left side.
I managed to squeeze in a couple naps in my in-laws camper and then all was well. I really am a fan of camping--it's just a lot easier when you're not 8 months pregnant. =)
We returned home on Monday to do laundry and pack in order to head back out on Tuesday. "Why?" you ask. Because we were heading here:
And here:
Here we are ready to take off on Griff's FIRST plane ride. Other than being louder than the average airplane passenger, he did great.
Actually, it was a work trip for Wes, but we managed to find some super cheap tickets and Griff and I tagged along. We had a blast. Between finding free tickets for Disney and Sea World and being well taken care of by Wes's work, we were spoiled like crazy. We were put up in the Disney Hilton and treated to some fabulous meals throughout the week.
The pilot even gave us pilot's licenses. =)
Oh...and my pregnancy hormones behaved themselves for the most part and I made it through the whole trip with only one emotional breakdown. And that was after spending about 8 hours walking around two theme parks in 100 degree weather. Not bad.
NOW it's back to reality. We are gonna have a baby in approximately ONE MONTH. Gulp. AND a little boy turning three in ONE WEEK. Sigh.
Gotta go.